Rules of the Road (Edited) | Teen Ink

Rules of the Road (Edited)

March 11, 2013
By Mackenzie Kos BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Mackenzie Kos BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you turn 16, it’s the most exciting thing ever for a teen: getting your license . Having the freedom to drive, without your parents being in the passenger seat footing their imaginary brake, is pretty nice. But, I had to wait till I was 17 because my mom happened to “forget ” I needed to take a class for my license. When I walked into class they teach you the basic rules; don’t ride on someone’s tail, use your turn signals, turn your lights on during the night, etc. Now I have had my license for over a year and noticed they forgot to tell me some important rules that I had to learn on my own.

A few weeks ago, I took a trip to see my sister in the Chicago city with my friend Haley. Before we went, I thought a nice, cold, refreshing Diet Coke sounded amazing. We pull up to the McDonalds and I peer at the pricing of the pop. RULE #1: When the advertisement says $1 any size drink, PLEASE DON’T FALL FOR IT. Fifteen minutes later, I start merging onto the highway while drinking my LARGE Diet Coke , bigger than my cup holder could fit!. I start feeling my bladder fill to the top. I try to ignore it. But, later down on I94 my eye gets caught with red in the way . I am now stuck in traffic with a full bladder, lovely. I had so many choices; wait and pee myself, pull over to the side and pee in a cup, get off the highway and be even more late, or the classic “Chinese Fire Drill”. RULE #2: Don’t Chinese fire drill on the highway.

Me: Haley, do you love me?
Haley: …what?
Me: I need you to drive, I’m going to pee my pants any second.
Haley: You are kidding me right? Just pull over!
Me: I can’t! Please!
I had already put my car in park, jumped in the back, and pulled down my pants by the time she could say no. She had hurried to my seat and started to go in drive. The first try, she was in neutral. But then she got the hang of it. I had looked around for a cup and finally found one. I was peeing and then Haley braked so hard that it poured onto my pants. (I was too relieved to be mad). I finally got done peeing and rolled down the windows to let out the smell and the cup full of urine. RULE #3: Ignore the old lady’s looks.
That has to be one of the most interesting car experience I’ve had so far but there’s a few more rules they haven’t taught:
RULE #3: Don’t fart in the car when it’s cold out (no one wants to roll down the windows)
RULE #4: Always listen to mom saying “who has to go to the bathroom before we leave?”—don’t be the person that has us pull over at a sketchy rest stop.
RULE #5: Don’t dance by yourself in the car, always have a person with you. If you don’t, that cute guy/ girl will judge you (I promise .)

Author’s note: All things have happened to me before, if you’re curious.

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