A time for everything | Teen Ink

A time for everything

March 7, 2013
By Anonymous

This story begins on December 25, 2012, the day Mom and her family opened my Christmas box. I had insisted that I get to watch them open the presents, and I had requested that Mom give Aubrey the bubble wrap so I could see what she would do with it. My mom opened the box, handed Aubrey the bubble wrap, and showed her how to pop it. At first she just popped them one at a time, but then she realized that she could pop more than one of them at a time. She clutched it in one hand and squeezed as hard as she could and popped about 4 of them. She giggled at the sound. She squeezed again and then giggled some more. She grabbed it in both hands and popped about twice the number of bubbles; that elicited even more giggling from everyone watching, including me. Then she realized that she could pop them by jumping on them. She put the sheet on the ground and jumped on it so much that my stomach hurt from all the laughing. Since she saw me laughing, she laughed even more, and that in turn made me laugh harder. After she had popped all the bubbles on that sheet, she looked up at Mom and said in her sweetest voice, “Can I have another one? Please?” Mom was chuckling still, but finally said in a calm voice, “Sure honey. Let me get the other sheet and the video camera so I can record this.” This is the story of the first time my 3 year old sister got ahold of bubble wrap.

The author's comments:
this is a true story that I find very humorous, and I hope you find it as humorous as I did.

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