The Snipe | Teen Ink

The Snipe

March 5, 2013
By Anonymous

It was a dark and late night. We were out snipe hunting in the field with the wind blowing through the grass, blowing leaves dangling on the trees. The full moon was out but it was still eerie. Never before had we heard of such a thing. My dad mentioned snipe when Bre and I were looking for something to do the rest of the night. We were up for the challenge. The adrenaline rush had our hearts beating with terror. It was worse because we feared the thought of being outside during the darkness.

So it began my dad took us to the back of our farm a long way from the house, and left us. All we had was a BB gun and a spotlight. Dad was going to give us a hundred dollars each if we returned with a snipe. We had made a bad decision. We were freaking out about the coyotes howling loudly, making their calls of terror. We picked up our feet and hiked it as fast as we possibly could back towards the safety of my house. All of a sudden a large black figure came out of the woods, growling with the hair standing up on its back. It was slowly coming closer, approaching faster, the space narrowing between us. Frozen with terror by the piercing eyes, it came running. That’s when we realized it was just my dog that was startled because she didn’t recognize us; we were as strange a figure as she was to us.

The author's comments:
Just a personal experience that happened to me and my best friend.

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