Secret Passageways | Teen Ink

Secret Passageways

February 23, 2013
By londoncalling SILVER, Los Angeles, California
londoncalling SILVER, Los Angeles, California
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
'I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That's everyone in the family!'
'What are Fred and I, next-door neighbors?' said George indignantly… - Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter

When I was eight on Halloween, I remember following my parents trekking around the neighborhood, begging for candy with my friends. All of a sudden, I was being led through this dark mysterious passageway. I could hear dogs snuffling around in the yards next to me and the noise of the trick-or-treaters behind me, but all I could see was a glowing light, as soft as a firefly’s glow. Then we emerged onto a busy street, bustling with the frantic trick-or-treaters. It was like we were in a whole other world. I vowed that I would find all of the passageways in my neighborhood.

I did. I discovered three, all of them magical as christmas morning. They had a quality, when you felt like you were the only person in the whole world to know and discover them. Some of them had steep steps leading up the hill to the next street. Their rails were covered in ivy that was as green as mint, and their dark steps were covered in old, dead leaves, that smelled like dirt. Another one wasn’t really a passageway, but it felt like it. It had a steep slope, covered in spider’s webs and bushes, that sloped down to a seldom used patch of sidewalk that led to a side street. This one had a dark, damp quality about it. It was like wet jeans after walking in the rain. The third one was a short, thin alleyway that was as exciting as a birthday party. It was littered with pieces of trash and paper, from frequent users.

It felt like I was the only person in the world to know about them.I really enjoyed taking shortcuts through them on Halloween, and going through them when walking with my friends. They will always be one of the most exciting parts of my neighborhood.

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