Somebody's Hero | Teen Ink

Somebody's Hero

January 14, 2013
By Camryn Yacks BRONZE, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Camryn Yacks BRONZE, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It has been a long battle. Over a span of 16 years, my hero, Lynn Johnson, was battling
brain cancer. Lynn had been a new figure in my life. We had met when my sister became a
part of his daughter’s team, but that did not impact how we built the bond between our families.
There was no doubt in my mind that Lynn would fight and keep fighting until one day, the battle
would end. I never realized how a bald-headed, gotee’d softball dad would change my life

I remember the day we met. It was a dark, musky softball facility. I slouched against the
wall, peering around the corner, hoping Lauren’s practice would end. Many strangers
surrounded me. I felt as if I was a black speck on a plain, white canvas. I didn’t know a single
person, besides my mom of course. Another new face entered the hallway in a sad, but hopeful
manner. What’s the news?...How did it go? Questioning phrases filled the air around me. I was
completely lost, until I heard those terrifying words...“My cancer is back.” I fell into complete
shock. I felt as if this new stranger was family now. Lynn was now my hero. I didn’t know
anything about him, but the look on his face after the bad news said it all. Lynn was my hero.
The new team was great for my sister, but I never knew that my inspiration for everything I do
would find me this way.

Every weekend, we would meet at tournaments and cheer on The Rocky Mountain
Thunder. The softball field soon became my home.

Treatment after treatment, Lynn still had hope. He was one of the strongest people I had
met. His heart could lift the world, and his spirits could heal every hurt soul in an instant. You
would have never known that Lynn’s life was run by a powerful tumor in his brain. Cancer would
never tear him apart, he would tear cancer apart.

Father’s day came. Lynn was blessed to make it to this day. After all, it was his third time
with this malicious sickness. All of the dads shaved their heads in honor of Lynn. They
congregated around third base, their smooth, bald heads glistened in the sunlight. The team
joined in and danced to “Party Rock Anthem” as a pre-game ritual. You would have never
known that Lynn had brain cancer. You would have never known that his clock was timing out.
The smile on his face and his energy touched everyone around him. Lynn would not let cancer
take this joy and happiness away from him. He had so much to live for.

Hope soon came as Lynn was scheduled for a life-changing surgery that might rid the
cancer forever. We all made vibrant signs as tokens of care and fortune. We stuck them in his
yard before he left. We never knew if we would ever see him again. The surgery was very
dangerous, but the outcome was worth much more than any risk. Lynn left the next day.

The surgery did not end as hoped. The tumor kept growing and intruded his speech. He
could no longer cheer his beloved daughter, Rachel, on after she hit the game-winning grandslam.
I would never hear my hero’s voice ever again.

I soon learned that life was a gift. I had to cherish every moment as if it was my last, just
like Lynn did.

It was April Fools’ Day when I returned from a soccer trip to Las Vegas. I hopped in the
car rambling to my mom about the crazy and amazing times I had on my trip. My felicity and
excitement was soon interrupted by a subtle outburst of tranquility. At that, point, I knew that
bad news was about to arise. My mom told me that someone special had passed. I thought to
myself about who it might have been. She began again and said, “Lynn.”

I sank in my seat and wondered how this could have happened. My hero was gone.
Nonetheless, it was the day after my birthday. He had taught me how to live, love, and how
to laugh your way out of every situation. Reality had sunk in. A once stranger in my life had
changed my life forever. I will never see that strong, smiling face ever again.

Our time together was cut short. In the few months together we had shared so much. He
was my second dad. I cared for him like no other. He was family and always will be. I know that
his legacy will stay in the front of my mind forever. I never realized how a gotee’d softball dad
would change my life forever. He will never be forgotten and he will always be my hero.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by my hero. He had taught me so many things about life and his inspiration will impact my life forever. I hadn't known him for long, but we had an instant connection. I hope the readers learn to cherish everyone around them, because you never know how they will impact your life and you also never know when that inspiration will come to an end.

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