Brittany | Teen Ink


January 8, 2013
By Anonymous

I am not a preppy blonde cheerleader with an attitude, which is why I’m glad my parents did not name me Brittany. This name brings me back to my childhood of watching Britney Spears and the image I have of Britney is her in the Oops I Did It Again video or her shaving her head. Either way I do not want to be associated or even compared to this Brittany that pops in my head. Not to mention I would have awful nick names. Britt is the only alternative to Brittany and this makes me feel British, which I am not. I need a name where the nicknames can get creative and have several of them. When your 70 and your name is Grandma Brittany just doesn’t seem right. Hopefully you were smart enough to change your name so it’s more age appropriate or your just called Grandma. So I have come to the conclusion that the only benefit of this name would that you would have an awesome signature, but other than that it’s as unfitting as a cat at a dog show. This just doesn’t fit my personality, it may fit others but I feel like I wouldn’t be taken as seriously in the real world with this name.

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