What Would Robin Williams Do? | Teen Ink

What Would Robin Williams Do?

December 6, 2012
By Anonymous

WWRWD- What Would Robin Williams Do?

I believe in the healing power of laughter. I believe that a good solid liver cleansing laugh is the best medicine any doctor can prescribe. I believe that laughter is a gateway to finding internal happiness and that making others laugh balances the universe in ways only God can explain. I spend large chunks of my time researching politicians, TV hosts, actors, directors, musicians, chefs pretty much anyone in general to try to find there life stories. The hope is that if I can understand there life than maybe I can understand mine. I often find myself thinking of Robin Williams someone whom I considered a hero and routinely try to model my life after. Although he struggled with addiction and alcoholism I admire that he stuck to his guns and did what he loved to do, which was make people laugh. Even if that meant not knowing where the next paycheck is going to come from or what his next meal will be.

Anxiety and I are attached at the hip. In fact it never leaves my side like a fairy perched on my shoulder it whispers in my ear things that make my stomach churn. I’ve tried many forms of therapy. Some more interesting than others none of them really working and with that I came to an awful conclusion, that anxiety would forever whisper its poisonous words, draining me from the life that I desperately wanted. With this conclusion came the despair and this despair transformed me into a robot were I only went through the motions of life never stopping long enough to live it. I found that the only thing that helped, the one thing that shattered the bricks in which I walled myself in was laughter. I found that the quickest way to finding that laughter was through Robin Williams. I love how he conquers the stage and not only has funny jokes but it was through his exuberant enthusiasm that I finally understood his success. He didn’t care if you thought it was funny all he wanted was for you to be truly happy.
With all this came a lesson that I quickly learned. One doesn’t have to be a professional comedian to make others laugh. It was only after learning that lesson and applying it to daily life that I noticed that that fairy stopped whispering and that life was that much sweeter.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by a radio show that started in the 1950's called This I believe.

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