The Unhidden Sound | Teen Ink

The Unhidden Sound

December 4, 2012
By Describer SILVER, Mount Washington, Kentucky
Describer SILVER, Mount Washington, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible."

Oh my, what was that? It just came out of nowhere-an unexpected frightening and eerie sound that could make anyone get goosebumps. It didn’t help that it was in the middle of the night; nothing could help me at this moment.

It was around 2 in the morning that I woke from my sleep. The darkness was shaky and almost like mist. I didn’t think about anything too much as I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I sat up somewhat in my bed and started to feel around my desk for my phone. I quickly found it and clicked the button that turns it on. When I turned it on, I was blinded by the sunshine-bright light. I looked around my pitch black room. I wasn’t surprised at all with anything around because I’m used to it. Normally I wake up around this time, and within an hour or so I go back to bed. This time it wouldn’t be the same. Usually, I just play a few games on my iPod for a while and everything is ok. I looked around for my iPod and once again quickly found what I was looking for. I tried clicking it on, and for some reason, it wouldn’t turn on. I thought to myself,
“I just charged this thing, and I didn’t turn it off. Why isn’t it working?” I tried banging it on the polka dotted rainbow blanket lying on my bed. That didn’t work, so I tried once again to turn it on. Still nothing; I wasn’t going to waste any time on that thing anymore. I put it back on my desk and went back to my phone.

I spent a while on Facebook and YouTube until I thought I would be able to go back to sleep. I squirmed back into my little edge of the bed that I usually sleep on and tried to go back to sleep. For some reason I just couldn’t relax. I started to get frustrated and sat back up in the bed.

“Something isn’t right,” I believed. Everything in my room just seemed different somehow, but I didn’t know how or why it did.

Then out of nowhere, I heard it, pleading in my head that I was dreaming. My heart rate increased the minute this horrifying sound came, and that’s when I knew. This wasn’t a dream; in the black of the darkness, just behind my slightly open bedroom door, I heard the faint but clear as can be scream of a girl in pain or terror. It was a scream like a person getting murdered. It sounded like someone with long nails running her fingers down a chalkboard, a long aching squeal that is worse than any horror movie.

Thankfully, it quickly ended before I could even acknowledge what it was. I cried to myself that this wasn’t real. I tried to calm down only to find that this wasn’t over. It came again, only this time it was louder. The glass-shattering scream could have awaked the sleeping dead. I’m surprised that no one else heard it.

Again it soon ended, and I had a chance to gather my thoughts. I tried to take a long breath and slow everything down. I tried to get my heart beat back down, but I knew that wasn't happening anytime soon. I couldn't shake this one thing off my mind.

How long would it be until I heard it again? To this day I have never figured it out.

The author's comments:
It was the middle of the night and I heard this strange and quite frightening sound of someone screaming.

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