In the Fading Twilight | Teen Ink

In the Fading Twilight

November 4, 2012
By FinnBeMe SILVER, Yes, California
FinnBeMe SILVER, Yes, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the fading twilight I am reminded of the things to come and that which have already passed. I realize that the darkening day, like a flower with its last petal, shall bring the end I so long avoided. Every moment brings the feeling of inevitability, but it is within these moments that I reflect on the joys and sorrows my life has known. Like the seasons, my being has endured periods of turmoil and prosperity, but as I ponder who I have become it becomes clear that the pain and agony that ensues within one’s life is the most opportune time to develop. For it is in those times when one finds them self with a wall against their back and an immediate threat upon them that one’s true intentions and character is expressed. One grows through discovery, but in life it is almost as if we are born blind and when, and only when, we experience the ever-changing world we are placed in do we begin to see. What is the true tragedy of life? Many would say such things as sorrow or grief, but one must be able to see a little clearer to become aware that life itself is the truest tragedy. Like chasing a dream only to fall short, one can achieve so much, but with the cold chilled grasp of death can it all be taken away so swiftly, like a breeze carrying away featherweight papers; scattering them about, never to be brought together once more.

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