Air Show | Teen Ink

Air Show

October 19, 2012
By Anonymous

I can still remember the day when I first heard the roar of the engines being fired up and the little whistle the jet made before it started up. I would say it was also the most important day of my life, because from that point on, I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I wanted to fly.

I should probably tell you a little about me before I get too far into detail. I am currently at the age of 15 right now. What I love to do is basically what a lot of other people like to do. I like to play video games and hang out with friends and I like to just skate here and there, but what I do differently than most people is, I study about aerospace in my free time and I learn about the military and how to fly. I currently am in the program of “Civil Air Patrol”, which is the Auxiliary of the Air Force. If you’re wondering if I want to go into the Air Force, my answer is absolutely.

Anyway, I still have the image that is clear as day in my head of going to my first air show at McCord Air Force base in Washington, near Spokane. It’s a cool Air Force base that we got to visit every once in a while but it was never as cool until the day where they held the air show. I remember going through the gate to the flight line and being overwhelmed at all the different airplanes and jets surrounding me. I was pretty little at the time because I was only in kindergarten. I didn't really know anything that was there at the time, but now I, think I could name every airplane that was there if I could go back in time. I remember seeing my absolute favorite airplane of all time for the very first time. “The F-15E Eagle”. I have seen and heard of stories of this airplane and how not one of them have been shot down in war. I have seen a video of an F-15 that had one of its wings blown of and it still flew perfectly fine with only the left half of the wing. I can see why the F-15 has been serving active duty for over 30 years and still counting! When I saw this beautiful piece of machinery fly for the first time, it took my breath away. It was so cool! It was so loud that it literally made your heart vibrate inside your chest. Also if you weren't paying attention and one of those F-15’s flew over full afterburner, it would literally, make you fall to your knees, I have seen it happen to my brother, and I have experienced it as well.

After seeing the F-15 fly, I was walking around and just looking at different airplanes, and different flight simulators that you could go in and pretend to fly one of those airplanes. Who would have guessed that one day I would be studying about how to fly and taking these airspace classes at CAP “Civil Air patrol”. I have gotten many experiences of flying in different airplanes, and me flying them. If you are interested in flying I would suggest going to the young eagles program which is for people between the ages of 12 to 18. What that is, is an experience that you get to have that’s like no other. What the pilots let you do is, they basically let you fly an airplane, usually a Cessna 182 or 172. It’s really cool, and I would know because I have done it. When I did it, I got to see a B-17 in the air! That’s a big deal because it’s a WWII bomber that was flying down to our airport to be displayed for the people to see. My grandpa ended up, getting to ride in it for free and the pilot actually let him fly the airplane for 10 minutes! I’m still kind of jealous of that to this day.

Anyways, you should definitely check that out if you interested. Also, we do have our own air shows here in Medford, OR. I have been to every single one since I have moved here and it too would be a great experience because they always have my favorite airplane, the F-15 there on display, and they even fly it around and you can see its amazing tricks.

I still have my plans set for the future of becoming a fighter pilot and graduating from either the Air Force Academy or the ROTC program. I’m glad I got to experience my first air show, because if I didn't I probably wouldn't have the same goals and plans for my future.

The author's comments:
Its awesome

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