Two Days Gone | Teen Ink

Two Days Gone

September 17, 2012
By Anonymous

Two days gone. Wasted. Disappeared. Won't ever see those suckers again. There's more of course! Perhaps I should've called a friend. Gone out with my sister. Go somewhere I've been, or go somewhere new instead of sitting in my darkened room for which I locked so I could not be disturbed. Two weeks I did that. I think I was more disturbed by doing that than being interrupted during my sulking part of summer. I pity myself some days. Others I just give up. I wear my "give-up" sweat pants. I only leave my hole in order to visit the porcelain throne. Well maybe comfortable lawn chair. That bathroom is no King's court! But yo, it don't matter. I have a life that I kinda use. I mean, I wrote this in school. I wasn't locked up in my bedroom in front of my Mac doing nothing for my life. I am no longer Jack's self-pity! I am Jack's cantankerous heart! No, that's not the right word but it is a lovely word choice! I dig it. Fabulous. Like my life. Just that. Great. Short sentences. Is this what my life has resulted too? My life is pathetic in some ways; a walk in the park in others. Piece of cake compared to some people's lives. I've got it tres facil. I don't have many complaints. Except my foot is in pain and that is NOT a walk in the park. Maybe a hobble. A limp.

The author's comments:
The story of my life.

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