My Favorite Place: The Convalescent Home | Teen Ink

My Favorite Place: The Convalescent Home

July 2, 2012
By TaniaCinco GOLD, Anaheim, California
TaniaCinco GOLD, Anaheim, California
15 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Out of every heart breaking expiriance you tranform into a whole different individual.

It would be nice to be able to go back in time; you know back into the early 1900’s live through the roaring twenties ,the era of Elvis and Marilyn or even earlier to watch the Titanic make it’s first and last voyage .Unfortunately no one has came up with a time machine. Somehow I find myself traveling to the past every time I visit a nearby, convalescent home called Walnut Manor. The elderly residents share their life stories with me and thanks to their generosity I am able to feel part of their past.

The convalescent home is home to many of my grandparents. I say that because over time I have become very close to many of the residents some even call me their grand daughter. Although my grandparents are far away and I lost my very close grandfather very recently, the friendly residents that live at that convalescent home make me feel close to them. At first I thought that visiting a convalescent home would be depressing considering the fact that most residents are ill and have Alzheimer or dementia. Overtime these thoughts changed.

The convalescent home is merely a happy place. Smiles, laughter, hugs and teddy bears embrace every visitor. The elderly residents become children once again. The place is filled with innocence. Rows of white beds fill the hallways and wheelchairs roam around making a hospital scene look like a jolly playground. The elderly residents reflect the faces of children, teenagers and adults. They have been through it all. Every time I visit the convalescent home my heart feels warm.

Although I do lots of activities with them such as play bingo and sing karaoke, my favorite thing to do there is listen to their stories. They turn into my inspiration. Each resident has their own story to share and each of them teach me lessons and I gain wisdom. As I walk into their rooms I feel as if I walk into a new chapter. A story touched me deeply. My favorite lady whom I visit and play with shared me her most personal story. I used to think falling in love would happen at a young age but after I heard her story my thoughts completely changed. At 84 yrs old she fell in love with a man from this convalescent home he being 89yrs old. They married and they lived their last years together. He passed away but she remembers him every day. This convalescent home has taught me to live my life day by day.

Many people ask me why I do volunteer work at a convalescent home and all I can say is that I do it because I love it. I wouldn’t trade what I do for anything. At the convalescent home I feel loved and cared for. I know that at the end of the night I can to bed feeling humble knowing that I made somewhat of a difference. Volunteering has opened the doors to many opportunities I never thought I would have. I am a member of the “Ageless Alliance” and together we work on bringing smiles to the elderly community and preventing elder abuse. The convalescent home is no doubt, my favorite place to go.

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