the speedway | Teen Ink

the speedway

January 11, 2012
By letmeputmypoemsinyou BRONZE, Macon, Illinois
letmeputmypoemsinyou BRONZE, Macon, Illinois
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The loud noises and the smells of the Macon Speedway are foreign to me still. Working there for two years I’ve witnessed many different things, between the wrecks and the fights and even all the drunks. I still like the place though.

I wait all day, I don’t make any plans because I know I will be working tonight I throw on the some crappy jeans with holes in them and an old sweatshirt with a big stain on the front of it. I arrive at 3:30, I walk in the front building and sign in. I take my chair and head to my stairs, my station for the night. I am a bouncer for a lounge. I only let people in with a special wristband on that they have purchased. I sit there and wait till 5:00 when they open the gates to let the eager race fans in.

Its hot outside and I always forget to put sunscreen on. I’m really burnt now like everything my mom tries to cook. Usually the first people to arrive to the lounge are the people that are hosting the party in there tonight. They walk in and casually ask how I am. I just smile and say good, thank you. I sit above the concession stand so I get to smell the grease all night long and I love it. The drivers rev their engines up and its very loud. My ears start to hurt. I sit there and watch all the white trash walk by. They talk really loud and yell and argue as they walk by. I just laugh at them for making fools out of themselves. Some of them try to get in the lounge and I explain that they have to have a special wrist band to get in. they always cuss me out and I look at them with disgust and laugh again. They finally leave.

I sit in my little chair all night long. I hate it because it’s so boring but then again I love it. I get paid to sit there and occasionally be mean to people. It’s around 10:30 and the races are finally over. I wait for everyone to leave and some of them give me tips which I very much enjoy. I go grab a cheeseburger and go tie the flags.

The racing season is over now and I won’t be returning next year. It was a good first job. I will miss the ole Macon Speedway.

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