Beautiful Smile | Teen Ink

Beautiful Smile

September 29, 2011
By BrightestDay BRONZE, Auburn, New York
BrightestDay BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In brightest day, in blackest night,<br /> No evil shall escape my sight.<br /> Let those who worship evil&#039;s might,<br /> Beware my power... Green Lantern&#039;s light!

It was a Saturday afternoon around one o’clock. I just got out of the shower and went to look at my phone to see if she texted me. She did. She said I could come and get her when I was ready. I hurried up and shaved, brushed my teeth and all that other stuff you do before you go on a date. This isn’t just any date though. It was out first date. We have been talking to each other for a while already, but this was our first real date. I was really excited. I finished everything I needed to do, grabbed my keys and went out to the car to go pick her up. Her name is Annie. She’s really fun and I love being around her.

When I got there I got out and went to the door. She came out wearing this really beautiful dress. She looked amazing. I went and opened the car door for her and she smiled at me and then I smiled. She has got such a beautiful smile. We were going to Skaneateles to spend a couple hours there. When we got there I asked her if she was hungry and she said no, but I had forgotten to eat breakfast so I told her I needed to get something to eat. She just laughed at me and said she wouldn’t mind a milkshake.

We went to this burger joint. I forgot what it was called, but it wasn’t bad. I ordered this really big burger and a milkshake and she just ordered a milkshake. I felt kind of awkward because she was watching me eat and I'm not exactly a neat eater. We were talking the entire time and she kept laughing when I put my hand in front of my mouth so I could chew and talk at the same time. She has a really cute laugh. After I was done making a fool of myself while eating we went down to the park. We started walking up the pier thing and about halfway from the end she grabbed my hand. I could feel myself blushing and I was hoping my red complexion would hide it. We got down to the end and then walked back and sat in the park at the edge of the lake for a while talking. While we were sitting a couple of old people kept looking at us and smiling. I could only imagine what they were thinking.

We went back to my house after the park so we could watch a movie or two. It was a chick flick and I ended up falling asleep, but I remember waking up and finding her asleep against my arm. I didn’t want to wake her up, but I had to get her home soon. So I woke her up and took her home. When we got there we just sat in the car for a couple minutes talking a little more. I finally got out and walked her to her door. She held my hand again when she said good-bye, but when she turned around to go inside I stopped her and kissed her. I was really nervous, but she didn’t back away. That eased some tension. She looked away after that, then looked back, smiled and told me to text her when I get home.

The author's comments:
This is about my first date with my current girlfriend.

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