sasha | Teen Ink


October 27, 2010
By angeljoy BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
angeljoy BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'll be back."

That one night, I went out side to greet my mom from a hard day of work.I saw her the most cutest dog anyone has every seen. I screamed with excittment and ran to her. She gave my the dog who was so happy she gave me a warm lick on the cheak. I loved her so much. I always wanted to stay home just so i could see her. I slept with her every night and every day we would play. My life was great with her in it, but then one dreadful day when i let her in our fenced backyard I heard her yelp. When I went to help she was gone someone had took her. No one belived me they said she ran away but her yelp told me that she was in destress but they saud everyday that she will come back. Yet, she never my heart stayed broken tears ran down my face. I was sad, for months until one day we found her on the side of a road and I could tell she was in pain. we took her to a vet and they said she would never make it. So we had no choice but to put her down. So I will never forget her the dog, named Sasha.

The author's comments:
She was the best dog ever. She was a jack russel and always had a kind heart. So she will never be forgoten.

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