The day she left | Teen Ink

The day she left

June 8, 2010
By drew,h BRONZE, Fridley, Minnesota
drew,h BRONZE, Fridley, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
keep it real

One year we me and my family went to Chicago to go see her. When we got their she was fine she could keep us laughing for days. So we left an came back home the next morning an i got ready for school i was getting on the bus an all i could do is think about her that was all on my mind was her.So one Friday i came home my mom was sitting in the corner balled up an i said whats wrong an she told me please don't cry because i am going to cry so i knew what she was going to tell me she is gone. So the next morning we left. So when got their i stopped at her old house and when i went inside it felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest with three knifes an everybody else felt how i was feeling and all i could do was cry. But that's all i could ever do since my grandmother died the was the most hardest moment for me so that's why i try to keep pushing forward in my life. So i am glad i shared this story god bless you all.

The author's comments:
my grandmother

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