Life in Short | Teen Ink

Life in Short

May 24, 2010
By Dave_2012 BRONZE, Seffner, Florida
Dave_2012 BRONZE, Seffner, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never back down from any challenge

Why is life so complicated? Nobody truly knows why it is. Some people "think" that life isn't complicated, but it is when they finally end up with a whole crap load of roadblocks like i have,then they finally realize that it is. Barely, anybody understands me now except my true friends. I wish life wasn't so damn complicated all the time. I'm sick and tired of all the roadblocks that I have encountered in my whole life. It just makes me want to leave this workd forever and never come back to this living hell hole. One thing, that makes life even worse is when someone acts like your friend but later on they stab you in the back. I have nioticed that in life we will always have a bloody backstabber in our lives no matter what. The only good thing about life is when god calls your "number".

The author's comments:
The story came to me while I was in class. I hope people will just read it and just make their life work for them.

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