I am different | Teen Ink

I am different

May 24, 2010
By Sparkystar BRONZE, Brandon, Florida
Sparkystar BRONZE, Brandon, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You look at me and you will say "Wow, that guy is very different", and you know what, you are very correct. I do not follow the latest trends, the latest styles, or the same language as everyone else. My lifestyle is considered just plain wierd to many people. I do not drink alcohol, I do not smoke, I do not curse, I refuse to have sex before marraiage, and I live my life by my faith. I am a complete uncool person by today's society standards. When I say that I am a normal person I am telling you a lie. I like to do normal things but the way that I live myy life is utterly strange. I act childish in the way that I joke, I don't truly know what being "mature" really is. If you want to tell me to live my life like everyone else you are welcome to try to, but just remember that above all the differee that sticks out the most is that I will NOT change.

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