A soldiers honor | Teen Ink

A soldiers honor

May 4, 2010
By Corey Truong BRONZE, Westminster, California
Corey Truong BRONZE, Westminster, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We fight a war without a purpose, a pointless cause, a blood bath for no reason. We march valiantly to our own nightmare. After barely recovering from things we see, they award us for dodging the headman’s axe, with a piece of metal.
Politics, a cruel thing that pulls our strings, sent out with one mission, die for our profit. Why should we die, for those bureaucrats, fighting for their profit, thinking only about how much money there is.
Who really deserves the honor for winning the war? A general who just stands there barking orders? Those who have died and returned from the nightmare deserve the immense honor. They have fulfilled everything required of a man, a soldier. Some have risked everything to protect everything. They died for the sake of citizens, and not for the fat cats who don’t realize what they’re doing.
There is honor among the lines. For those who have fought what they believed in, those who have helped others, and one for those who have served their promise, one that they all have, to fight for the sake of millions.

The author's comments:
I wanted to pass the time and thought of what happened now and in the past, war.

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