Journal Entry 1 | Teen Ink

Journal Entry 1

May 18, 2010
By Anonymous

I'm sitting in this classroom. I don't even know what this classroom is used for. All I know are the following things:
- I'm bored.
- It's the last day of my sophomore year.
- I won't know if I made it into Honor Choir until sometime during the summer (thank you, stupid tornadoes).
- Staci, who is sitting right next to me, researching names and FML, eats crickets. I love you, freak.
- Anna is getting on my nerves.
- And my name, the traditional spelling, means "virginal beauty". -FACEPALM-

Is it possible to actually want to stay in school? I mean, I have almost no contact with my best friends over the summer. What am I supposed to do?
Oh well. At least I have all day to spend with Staci and Angela. Katlyn loves you! <3

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