A Midwest Mission | Teen Ink

A Midwest Mission

April 27, 2010
By ekroculick BRONZE, Wheaton, Illinois
ekroculick BRONZE, Wheaton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Emily! Come on! I want to pick something up at the store before I drop you off! Do you have everything packed?" My mom shouted. Kara, my sister and I were on our way to a 3 day trip with our church. In just a little while, Kara, my friend Sara, and I were packed up in the back of a small, Volvo. After 3 hours, we had reached out destination.

The sign read `Midwest Mission Distribution Center'. I could hardley wait to see our dorm and to start working.

There was barely any space between the two bunk beds in our room. At the foot of each bunk bed there was a shelf for unpacking. Luckily, it was just us three in the tiny room so we had extra space.

We started out the afternoon with traditional sign-making. This originated from the South Dakota mission trip, but that is a completely different story. After making our new signs we decorated the dorm. Our door was the most decorated, it was an array of colorful paper with all sorts of sayings on them.

After the decorations were up, it was almost dinner time. Before it got dark we went outside to see what the site was like. As soon as you stepped out the door, you saw a vast cornfield, after walking out, a small creek greeted us in front of the smaller cornfield on the side. After visiting the creek we went to see the natural gas tank that was right outside our window.

The next day, we were ready to work. After a brief tour of the work site, our first assignment was sanding and varnishing desks. These desks would be going to third world countries for students. The room we worked in was a small bright room. It was just above one of the warehouses. We put on gloves and started sanding. Each person was to sand each piece of the desk with two types of sand paper. The morning had passed with us sanding and by lunchtime we were finally finished with all the desks. After lunch back at the dorm, we were ready to varnish the desks. We wore smocks so we wouldn't ruin our clothes. Opening the can, the room instantly smelled of the varnish. Forty-five minutes time and we were completely finished with the desks.

Since we were finished, we got another assignment, Layette kits. Layette kits are to give to mothers after they have a baby in a third world country. They consist of diapers, wash cloths,onesies,pyjamas, a sweater and a blanket, all wrapped up in a big blanket with diaper pins to hold it all together. We spent the rest of the day working on the Layette kits.

The rest of our days went fast, we spent most of our work time making Layette kits. Although, on the last day, since we had made so many, we also sorted out hygeine items for the health kits.
Before we knew it it was time to leave. It had been such a short time, but we had accomplished so much work. It was such a proud feeling to be leaving, knowing we made a difference, we helped people who are in need.

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