The Hot Season | Teen Ink

The Hot Season

April 15, 2010
By Claire Neibergall BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
Claire Neibergall BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody thinks that summer is the time to hangout with friends, tan, barbeque, swim, and not to worry about school. Well, it’s basically the main thing to summer, but, there are different points of view and stories. This is my story:

The last day of school of my 6th grade year was sort of tough in way. I had to say goodbye to some old friends who were moving out of town and some new ones who were going on luxurious trips to places I would die to be at. Anyway, throughout the summer I was doing all sorts of sport camps, until my parents surprised me by saying that we were going to Disney World in Florida. I was overjoyed because I thought to myself that we would actually do something this summer.

Well, we got to Disney World, and the minute we got there I wanted to go home. I wanted to go home because most of the time we had to get on buses where people would fart and take up the whole room, and no time to tan in the sunniest place ever. It was truly a disappointment. We finally got home about a week after. Then, I just did more sport camps and stayed home, bored. I tried to call friends, but they were busy or they didn’t want to drive into town, because they lived in the country.

As I overlook this summer, I thought it was really boring, but there were some cool and amazing stuff that I saw. I am looking forward to this years summer.

The author's comments:
Summer can be boring, but fun!

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