Me and My Life | Teen Ink

Me and My Life

March 17, 2010
By Vampirelover001 SILVER, Staunton, Virginia
Vampirelover001 SILVER, Staunton, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A breakup is like a cut. Their might be a scar but the pain will go away.<br /> In dreams we never stop living. So in life never stop dreaming.

Every day i wake up, i barely fell anything. But i know it will always be better when i see him. I wonder if he knows i exist. Just a simple brush of the arm or a look sends electricity through me.
Sometimes i think only he can see me and no one else. I feel like im drowning in an ocean of my own tears. So my day repeats every time. Just once i wish i could fit in. Not be invisible, ya know.
Poeple say when they look in my eyes they see emptiness and mysteries. Friends say im depressed, they know me, and know when im lying. When i cry i cry out my heart and soul. People say they know me, but they know my mask, a character im not.
My sister is selfish, she wont help me with my problems. My brother is horrible, only wants to make my life misrable. My parents are sweet and only want the best for me.
Why me? Well ill tell you once i know.

Its Me and My Life

The author's comments:
" This pice was written about my life. The questions, confusions, love, and just well me. Its very difficult for me to just let my life out and not keep it bottled up. I hope once you read this you will understand every thing ive been through and how hard it is for me to admit my feelings. Thanks for reading it."

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