Angels Really Do Exist: This I Believe | Teen Ink

Angels Really Do Exist: This I Believe

March 12, 2010
By garrisc BRONZE, Plymouth, Indiana
garrisc BRONZE, Plymouth, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fall seven times, stand up eight-Japanese Proverb

I have always been taught that everyone has a Guardian Angel. A protector given from God to each and every individual, guiding them along the path of their life and making sure that they do not stray far. You never see them, hear them, feel them, until the moment of dire need comes, and then, angels come from it seems nowhere. Only after you have been saved, do you really know that your Guardian Angel has been there for you all along, and will continue to be with you, for as long as you live.
“Don’t you think we are going a little too fast?” I muttered as my two cousins and I raced down a small, narrow, broken country road in my aunt’s 2006 Chevy Trailblazer. We were on our way home from playing lacrosse and searching for a little fun. “Nah, Cam we can go a lot faster!”
A voice over my shoulder rung in my ears, a quiet, simple whisper. “Cameron, put on your seatbelt. Please.” I ignored the voice at first, but it came back. “Please, Cameron, put on your seatbelt.” Immediately I turned to my two cousins and asked them to do the same, making sure they were snug and to watch for anything that may jump out of the bushes that lined the road. We approached the railroad tracks near the end of the road, and it was then, that I became a believer.
Right before going over the track, I took a deep breath and tensed up, as if I were preparing myself for something to happen. I don’t know why I did that. I had driven over this set of tracks many times, not worrying about anything happening to me. However, this time was different. We were going nearly 100 mph. In the air, I felt like I could see the whole county in front of my eyes. The sky was blue, temperature right around 50 degrees Fahrenheit, a perfect day. Then it all came crashing down. The sound of the tire exploding on impact with the road, dirt and rocks flying up to hit the side and underbelly of the car as we drove into a cornfield, the tearing of the barbed wire fence on the metal, all vibrating in my ears at once. I couldn’t think, frozen in the front passenger seat. My cousin turned the car, desperately trying to get back onto the road so we can just keep going right on home, or so he hoped. The flat front tire snags in the loose dirt of the field, and we began to roll.
It felt similar to riding a roller coaster. We just kept rolling and rolling and rolling, metal bending all around me. Suddenly I felt as if someone, or something, had wrapped around me. Not like the seatbelt, this being had arms, and fingers. It just kept whispering, “You are alright, stay with me, believe in me.” The car finally came to a stop back on the road, sitting on all four tires. My cousins and I emerged from the wreckage and flag down a car. The driver of this car called 911 as we gathered up; making sure that each one of us was OK. We were taken to the local hospital where we were treated for our injuries and discharged that same day.
I had never really believed in Guardian Angels until that day. I had thought about the possibility of them existing, and watching over us, but never gave them any serious consideration. Now I know. I know that wherever I go, whatever I do, he will be watching me, protecting me. I do not know his name, how tall he is, or what he really looks like. All I know is that he will be there for me in my moment of need, this I believe.

The author's comments:
My Imaginative Writing teacher asked us to write an essay that was modeled off of NPR's writing contest in which submissions told of something the author believes in. Their believe was told throughout a story...and this is my story

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