Grass Isn't Always Green . | Teen Ink

Grass Isn't Always Green .

March 12, 2010
By whisper21 BRONZE, Phenix City, Alabama
whisper21 BRONZE, Phenix City, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if there is one thing you've taught me, its how to give up. If there is one thing you have showed me, its to be my own example."

I see you within reach, only several feet from my distance but my legs are unable to close the gap. Frozen where I stand , fighting hard to pull the words back onto my tongue. If never to voice what my heart screams, I've all but given up this slowly lost battle. As I sit here, looking at you, tears well up in my clear blue eyes. I want to tell you all I've kept locked away for the passing year. To tell you 'I miss you' would hardly even scratch the surface. As we make a joke, I look into your eyes and I'm 'back there' again. I'm in your arms again. But when I open my eyes again I know I'll be back here, sitting in this seat, writing this and looking. Looking into your beautiful eyes. The way you keep your composure when everything is sour. Always having your 'poker face' on. After all, I learn from the best

The author's comments:
Things aren't always as they seem. Things look more fun on the outside. I hope my readers understand that life isn't always greener on the other side and the things that look most perfect rarely ever are. I want as many people to read this as i can, because maybe it will keep you from getting heartbroken by the "perfect" guy.

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