It Stinks, but It's a Sign of Health | Teen Ink

It Stinks, but It's a Sign of Health

February 2, 2010
By YenaYun SILVER, Bellingham, Washington
YenaYun SILVER, Bellingham, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am thankful that I have gas. -Ellen Degeneres

The other day, I had to go through the suffering of smelling somebody’s stinky fart in a pact movie theatre. It smelled so bad. I have no idea what the person ate for breakfast or lunch, but it smelled; I don’t know how to describe it. The person really needs to respect the surrounding people. I mean, couldn’t he have just gone to the bathroom to let it out? Maybe I shouldn’t blame him/her too much. Maybe it just came out.

I should find out what causes a human to fart. Mr. Z once told me that an average human farts 16 times a day. What makes our body so full of gas? People say that farting is so disgusting. I agree. Farts smell terrible, they make the weirdest noises, but they are a sign of health.

I wonder what would happen to humans if they didn’t fart. Some people tell me that your stomach is going to explode if you don’t. I don’t know the importance of farting. Does it let out some toxic gas out of our body or something? I think that it is quite interesting to see that something so stinky can really impact us, and be of such importance.

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