He's Perfect, Except... | Teen Ink

He's Perfect, Except...

January 29, 2010
By Anonymous

His eyes glitter at me, a beautiful mysterious green. When he smiles at me, my heart flutters. He has the perfect jawline, the most amazing and modelesque facial structure. His hair is dark brown with highlights of different colors, and he styles it in different, perfect ways that make me want to run away forever. His only imperfections seem to be the temporary reminders of his teenage years, his little bit of acne and his braces. And because of these things, I love him so much more. It takes away just enough flawlessness to make him absolutely beautiful. He is skinny, lanky even. And it just makes him that much more wondeful to look at. 

And to top it all off, like a cherry on a sundae, he is confident. Confidence is what really got me and pulled me in. 
He's not embarassed to be himslelf or to stand up for what he believes in. It's such a confidence that it's almost arrogance, but I do believe he has every right to be arrogant. When he walks, talks, smiles, anything, its obvious why it would be completely understandable if he were to act as if he were the most beautiful person in the history of humans. And...maybe he is. 

When I think of him, I actually smile or giggle.. I can't wait to see him everyday. I spend my spare time thinking of conversations to start with him and ways to get him to notice me. And there is no other person on the face of this earth that can make me smile as much as he can. However, there is also no other person that can make me cry by doing absolutely nothing. He drives me crazy, he makes me miserable, but he makes me the happiest girl on earth without even trying. 

When I see him turn the corner in the hallway, my stomach becomes a gymnast. I look for him every second of the day and get dissapointed when I don't see him where I expect to. Even to get a glimpse would be enough to get that feeling. When he talks to me, I can't help wishing his lips were kissing mine at that moment. When he says my name, I want to record it and replay it a million times. 

We hold hands and smile at each other. We make each other laugh. He laughs at things that aren't funny. But his laugh makes me laugh. It's silent and very contagious, especially when he lets out a little squeak. We talk about everything. He understands me so well. We agreee on political arguments. And we disagree on so much more. When we argue, I never want it to end. Neither of us like to admit when we're wrong so we argue for hours. We can talk on the phone about the stupidest things or the biggest problems in our lives. He understands me better than any other guy I have ever met. And I can honestly say I am in love with him... 

But there's one problem... He's gay. 

The author's comments:
This is about a problem I am currently facing with a guy I know. I'm sure I'm not the only person to have ever been in this situation, but I can't help feeling insane.

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