A Sister's Journey | Teen Ink

A Sister's Journey

May 20, 2024
By Anonymous

Being 11 years and 11 months apart from my older brothers resulted in me getting bullied, made fun of, and being attacked 24/7. Building a close relationship with a sibling, with such a small and large age gap can be both challenging and rewarding, like navigating through a maze, where every turn presents a new obstacle or discovery. Being so close in age meant that we often found ourselves competing for attention and affection. As the only girl among my siblings, I often felt like the odd one out, especially when my brothers said “ Santa isn’t real” just to tease me. It definitely wasn’t easy being the youngest and only girl.

As we are now adults, my brothers are more protective and look after me more than they did before. Ever since Nate got his license in the summer (of his junior year) we have been inseparable. We often went to Target or to get food, and of course I had to pay for his food. 

But, the hardest part was once I got my license we would have to share the car. I would want to go hangout with my friends or go to work and he would want to get food. God forbid if he ever ate a home cooked meal. If I didn’t make lunch for him in the summer, he either wouldn’t eat or would go get something to eat.

Last summer was the best, we always had our friends together and we would all hang out. I thought when he was leaving for college our relationship that we built up for the past year would have just gone down the drain—I was wrong. He texts and facetimes me to inform me what he is up too and vice versa. We talk at least twice a week and catch up. 

Since we will both be attending the same college next year he has really helped me discern the dynamic that goes towards college: you’re on your own, make sure to go to class, always try your best, and it’s okay to ask for help. Knowing that I will have my older brother to guide me not only eases my parents, but definitely makes me feel more comfortable. 

I always said to myself, I don’t wanna follow Nate to school and I don’t want to go to the University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse, but after dropping him off at school and touring the campus I fell in love with it right away.

As the years go on… I’ve realized it's not about the age difference or gender that defines our relationship but rather the shared moments. Laughter. Support. Growth. As I embark on this sister journey, I am grateful for the lessons learned and the unwavering love that binds us as siblings.

The author's comments:

This piece is about the journey of my brother and I's relationship.

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