What Room? | Teen Ink

What Room?

January 18, 2024
By A1EC BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
A1EC BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This bedroom is so small and dirty, she thought, pushing open the door. School bags were everywhere with random papers and books tossed on the floor. Everywhere she steps she has to be careful–dirty clothes, garbage, and pencils were like landmines. Glancing up she found a bunk bed in the corner, both beds with ruffled pillows and untucked sheets.

Looking left she sees the one thing in the room that seems to be clean; a dresser with a large tank on top of it. In that tank there is a small turtle causing a ruckus, clearly expecting food. Looking down she sighs as she sees the open dresser drawers with socks falling out. My room was never this dirty.

The mess of clothes inside the closet was on full display, and was surrounded by tall, skinny, white bookshelves, crammed with old, dusty pre-teen books on either side

On the wall opposite the turtle tank there is a tall dresser with a mess of souvenirs on top. To the immediate left of this mess is a desk, filled with cards and food with hardly a space for a computer. Really? The garbage is right there, she thought, looking at the overflowing, blue, oddly shaped trash can that was tipped over. 

Reaching down to stand the trash can back up she spots the whole mess of randomness, ranging from sun glasses to school supplies that have been thrown under the desk. 

“You really need to clean your room,” She said, frowning. 

“Okay, Mom.”

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