Top 10 Moments in Dance in 2023 | Teen Ink

Top 10 Moments in Dance in 2023

January 10, 2024
By 4nevermann PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
4nevermann PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
33 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Spring Showcase:
My happiest moment in dance this year was our company showcase because it was my last time dancing with my best friends who graduated this past year. I always love the showcase because we get to perform all of our competition routines one last time for all of our friends and family.

The Nutcracker:
This year for The Nutcracker, I was the Sugar Plum Fairy. That is the lead role that everyone wants to be. I was extremely grateful for this role because I had wanted to be the Sugar Plum Fairy ever since I was 3 years old. However, it was bittersweet at the end of the weekend when I realized that was the last time I would ever perform in The Nutcracker. 

First comp of the season for my studio:
In February we went to a Competition called Celebrity and it was my favorite that we did all season. There was enough down time that I got to spend in Chicago with my friends along with having hard competition which was nice for our first comp.

Going to state with Hawkettes:
This was my first time going to state, and it was our comeback season for our team. We didn’t compete the year before and the year before that was Covid with virtual competitions and a different coach. It was a fun experience and fun way to end our competition season.

Last comp of the season for my studio:
We go to Rainbow every year and it is always our last competition since it is in late April/early May. This year was extra special and emotional because it was my best friends, who I have grown up with, last competition ever.

Holiday Recital:
Usually I don’t really like the holiday recital just because it is so stressful right before christmas time, but I loved it this year. It was my last holiday recital with my studio and I didn’t want to be stressed. All of my friends who graduated came back to watch me and I got to spend time with them and my family afterwards.

First comp for Hawkettes (Senior Season):
We had our first competition of the season at Arrowhead. Our coach owns a dance studio which hosted the competition: Power of Love. It was fun because we got to showcase our routines for the first time infront of our families and a panel of judges. It was also nice that the competition was at Arrowhead instead of somewhere 2 hours away.

First comp for Hawkettes (Junior Season):
Typically, our first competition is in December but this year we didn’t start until January. We definitely had a later start in our season compared to other teams but we still did well at our first competition. It was a nice way to come back after not competing for so long.

AMP Competition for studio:
This was a competition that we did the first weekend of April. We had driven straight from Spring Break in Tennessee to Chicago for the competition. My solo that I competed always made me think of my Grandpa who died when I was younger and I competed it on his birthday that weekend which was an emotional experience for me and my mom.

Summer Intensive:
Every year we have a 3 week summer intensive that we learn lots of routines and film them all on the last day. Typically, I don’t like doing the summer intensive because I would rather be with my friends when the weather is nice. This year felt different because it was my first time dancing without all of my friends that I had every year with me. I learned to make new friends with the girls still there and I had a better time and it was fun to film all of our routines on the last day.

The author's comments:

My top 10 moments in dance in 2023

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