Hands | Teen Ink


October 19, 2023
By AHSwriter24 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSwriter24 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
29 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody in my family has different hands. Hands and fingers tell a lot about a person, their experiences, their coordination, their habits. My fingers are shorter. Since I bite my nails as thin as possible, my fingers are like nubs, but perfectly round. I have the tannest skin in my family, so my hands are darker, but not freckly, like my older sister. My older sister, Evie, has a rather small hand, smelling of lotion and self tan, and with breathless, beautifully shaped fingers. Usually with acrylics, her nails underneath are short and thin, but not too short in order for her to fidget with her dark eyelashes and eyebrows. When I look at her hands, I think of the countless times she styled my hair as kids, or how she rubs my back when I am upset. 

On the other hand, my younger sister Ellie's hands are paler, with much longer nails, longer nails that were her weapon of choice when we fought as younger kids. With dirt under her nails, from working at the barn with her horse, her fingers are always moving quickly, never lazy, like a ticking stopwatch. On Occasion, her nails are nicely painted with a light color, smelling like vanilla perfume. When I look at her hands, I distinctly remember how they felt intertwined with mine when we were kids, how we were constantly together. 

The wisest hands are my moms. They’ve been through so many different experiences. Like little time capsules, they can tell countless stories. My mother doesn't move her fingers too quickly, as she is a very patient person. Her fingers have wiped away many of my tears, helped me with math homework, scratched my back, and overall are a very intimate thing to me. When I hold my mom’s hand, I feel safe and secure. The way they crease on the edges of her fingers, or the four perfect lines in the middle of her palm. I could pick out her fingers from a group of a hundred people. They smell of my grandmother's perfume, and my moms favorite Elizabeth Arden lotion, called White Tea. The way they hold me, they hold me with so much meaning and love. My moms hands are my favorite. 

The author's comments:

This is a Vignette i did about my family. 

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