Biggest Item I Can't Live Without | Teen Ink

Biggest Item I Can't Live Without

September 27, 2023
By CaydenH GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
CaydenH GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Let me go look at my phone for pictures. Can’t do that. I’m going to go call my dad to let him know something. Wait, nope, can’t do that. What if I just want to watch a YouTube video of something? Nope, can’t do that either.

It comes to my attention that I can’t do a lot of things without my phone. I have an iPhone 13 with at least 3-500 GB. I can’t call anyone if I have an emergency, I can’t have any pictures saved and I can’t watch any types of videos because I don’t have a phone.

My life would be a little different and/or rough without any phones. Usually I like to take pictures if it’s with people or if I need to save a document or important paper. I like to keep those things on my phone. If I need any help whatsoever, I usually call a friend or family member in need of help to solve my problems/issues. And I like to watch YouTube on my phone, I could be watching videos for hours on my phone.

If I didn’t have a phone, I would have to switch my routine around daily in life. Usually I like to text people in the morning before I go to school. I usually text my girlfriend “Good Morning” or I’ll send my friends a snap on Snapchat. If I don’t have a phone, then I can’t do that. Then, usually when I get home from school, I’m on it doing random things. I can’t do those things without a phone. It wouldn’t be the same. Then I would have to go talk to that person face to face about what I’m going to say.

Plus, phones can be important for learning. There are educational apps on phones that can help your brain function better. I use those apps too. So, it would also not help my learning if I didn’t have a phone. I have this math app to help me learn math problems. Also some fitness apps to make sure I’m in tip top shape.

The generation I live in is surrounded by technology (phones, computers, iPads, etc.), so life would be really different if I didn’t have anything like that. I like my life as it is right now, but if there was no technology, I don’t know how I would do these things without my phone.

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