Saving my Stuffed Animal | Teen Ink

Saving my Stuffed Animal

September 27, 2023
By 4allench SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
4allench SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I were at home and something terrible happened, like a fire starting... I must figure out one thing to save that I couldn’t live without. My bedroom has plenty of valuable things and it just so happens I spend most of my time there. I could try and throw my big comfy bed out of the window that I enjoy sleeping in so much. Or I could gather all of the trophies I have won from my shelves and try and save those. Those remind me of everything I had worked for in my life. But would those really matter to me? Being that there are a lot of awkward sized trophies I would probably leave those behind. I revisit bed, once I get it out of the window it wouldn’t do me very good because, where would I put it once I got it out? 

I might think to grab some pictures or your favorite sweatshirt. Or something expensive like my Xbox or my computer from my backpack. Then again something sentimental would make sense because it has a memory or memories. I got it, if it came down to it, the one item that I have had my entire life from the day I was born would make the most sense. 

My instincts would kick in and I ran to my closet, found the big bin that he was in and ripped him out and saved him. He had already been all over the country with me. He went to doctors appointments, he went to daycare, he went to sleepovers at grandmas, but above all else he was there every night I went to sleep. He had been there with me every sleep for all of the beginning of my life. He was small and soft with a comforting light blue color. There was one day though where I decided I was too old for him and tucked him and all of his memories away into the closet. 

From the day I was born my little light blue stuffed animal bear has been with me. He was always there for me when I needed him most, so comforting and easy to talk to. While he might not still be next to me every night in bed, as I am under one month away from being an adult, he would be the first thing I would have to run and grab because Bear is the one thing I can’t live without.

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