Golden Memories | Teen Ink

Golden Memories

September 26, 2023
By 4shumlas BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4shumlas BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Golden Memories

From the garage, an old and shiny minibike, that my dad and I built one summer. This was our biggest project, remembering how much I had to work on the frame of the minibike. 

This was a long project and is very valuable to me, working on something with my dad and just being in the garage and getting dirty there is nothing like it. This type of thing is something every kid loves and wants to do with their dads. 

One day we were working on it and it was time for the paintjob. My Dad set up curtains in our basement storage room and we hung the bike up. I picked out this gold spray paint with sparkles and started spraying away. After the first coat it was already looking good, I could see the little sparkles and it only needed 2 more coats. 

Once it was painted all we had to do was to put on the tires as the engine was already mounted. Pumping up the tires and tightening the lug nuts on I cranked the starter like starting an old push lawn mower. 

I started off slow and slowly tested out this masterpiece, it was amazing. The rush it gave me while riding up and down the street knowing that my dad and I have built this bike from scratch was something very special.

This minibike is so important to me because it has built in memories of spending time with my dad and all the things we did to this bike along with the amount of time it took to build it. Everytime I hop on it and get on the seat its like a flashback of all the best memories my dad and I had while building this bike.

To this day I still go out and ride this golden minibike, although some of the cosmetic details have started to fade, the memories of this project will never. This is why it is something that I couldn’t live without. The thrill of going fast, up and down the street and the memories that come when you hop on the seat.

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