A Memorable First Performance | Teen Ink

A Memorable First Performance MAG

September 2, 2023
By Felice_ciputra SILVER, Jakarta, Other
Felice_ciputra SILVER, Jakarta, Other
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I stood at the entrance and looked up at the tall, imposing structure of the grand theater. After staring at it every day for almost two years, I finally had a chance to perform there. I walked in, trying to concentrate on the piece I would be playing, but my mind fleeted every now and then, unable to keep focus on anything for long.

I passed grand hallways, climbed up long, winding staircases, and finally arrived at the main auditorium. For years, I had dreamed of gazing up at the glass-domed ceiling, waltzing through the hallways, and playing the elaborate piano at the gold-gilded stage — and here I was, at last.

My insides were twisting, my heart was drumming, and my mind was frightened blank. It screamed, turn away and leave! This couldn’t possibly end well. My palms were clammy and goosebumps rose along my skin, but I kept walking, trying to ignore the pooling sense of dread in my gut. It only worsened when I saw how the audience filled the seats to the brim. The glaring spotlight did not help either — I was the center of everyone’s attention like a mannequin at the window display of a boutique, and the audience was hidden in the darkness. I felt incredibly exposed as if my heart was put out for everyone to observe. My feet hurried over to reach the piano in its grandiose. I sat rigidly on its ebony chair, thankful for the instrument’s slight cover from the audience’s peering eyes.

Calming my racing heart, I delicately rested my fingers on the smooth ivory keys. All other thoughts disappeared as I marveled at its beauty. Where I had been so anxious just moments before, I now felt a steady calmness flowing through me. A sense of peace overtook my being. All I have to do is focus.

The first keys were played with hesitant fingers, but then the crowd and the world soon faded from my vision, and I was alone. I greeted the keys like an old friend, and it led me through the maze of darkness. The haze of fear that dawned on my mind had been cleared. I smiled as a newfound focus was instilled in me.

The melody swept throughout the theater, echoing against its beautiful ornate walls. My fingers ran all on their own accord, playing the piece I had composed with love and practiced almost every single day for months. Months and months of training would not betray me. White keys and black keys, sharps and flats, I played them all. Each chord sent out a spectrum of colors that deeply resonated with my being. The piece that had started out lightly had built into a roaring wave. It washed away any lingering feelings of doubt, uncovering the joy that was hidden underneath — the story of my heart’s content.

Before I knew it, the final key was pressed, and the last note reverberated across the now-silent auditorium, echoing like a reminder of a dream that had finally come to life. Slowly, the crowd reappeared in my peripheral vision, and I caught the motion of them standing to their feet. The air soon filled with standing ovation, and I bowed, incredibly relieved at last.

As the applause died, I took a deep breath and looked around the theater. It was as beautiful as I had imagined it would be. The fear and anxiety I felt beforehand no longer resurfaced when I gazed at the audience; only elation remained. As I took my final bow and walked off the stage, I knew that this moment, this first performance at the theater, was something that I would never forget. It was a culmination of all my hard work, determination, and passion for music, a reminder that fear and doubt can always be conquered with these factors.

It was the beginning of a long journey, and there would be many more exhilarating moments to come.

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