My Many Faces | Teen Ink

My Many Faces

September 30, 2022
By 3vermeulen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
3vermeulen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If asked who I am I reply in different ways.


At school, I am hard-working and determined. 

Always fully engaged and scribbling down notes, eager to learn new things.


At work, I am on task and I anticipate.

Serving the residents with a warm smile and cleaning until the kitchen is spotless.


At home, I am more spontaneous and creative.

Plucking and weaving my fingers through the strings of the guitar and crafting small animals out of clay.


With my family, I am the oldest and the guinea pig.

Exploring the next steps of life, college, and responsibilities, attempting to lead as an example for my brother and sister.


With my friends, I am bubbly and outgoing.

Playing cards, attending late-night sleepovers, and sharing many memorable moments of laughter.


With my boyfriend, I am loving and supportive.

Venturing into the realm of video games and writing corny cards of affection for an exciting surprise in the mail.


In the gym, I am persistent and strong. 

Working towards new weight maxes and shaving down sprint times for when I return to the springtime track.


Although distinct from one another, my characteristics are what make up me.

They package my passions, outlook, and personality, defining who I am to myself and others.

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