Making Me Smile | Teen Ink

Making Me Smile

September 30, 2022
By ajrogers15 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
ajrogers15 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Being a cook at a local restaurant can be stressful for a 17 year old. I work at Sweet Dreams. It's a small local restaurant people can go to for food and custard. I have personally been cooking for only half a year. It's a very safe and open environment with all the coworkers. With being down cooks, my boss Logan asked me if I would be able to step up to be a manager. It was a hard decision for me to decide between school and working. 

Throughout time, my parents talked to me about if I should be a manager. “You're a great cook Ava. You should take up the offer, it's a great experience for you and you can help out a local restaurant”. I took Logan's offer and now I’m cooking for a lot of people in the community. 

Fridays are the busiest nights at Sweet Dreams and cooking on my own is stressful. One lady came in giving our coworkers and me a hard time. My coworkers are patient with her and she was very unforgiving. She got a grilled chicken sandwich with no seasoning with a side of fries. 

Later on in the night when everything was settling down she came back up to the register asking for me. When I came out from the back she had a smile on her face. “I just wanted to come up and let you know that was the best grilled chicken I have had. Thank you for being patient with me.” the lady says, still smiling.  A man from the back booth started making his way to the register. “Yes! That was one of the best burgers I have had. Great job my children loved their food. This brought me so much joy, my first ever compliment turning into two at the same time. That was when I knew I wanted to continue to cook for Sweet Dreams. Making people happy by just cooking food sounds like a great job to me.

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