Turn for the worst | Teen Ink

Turn for the worst

June 1, 2022
By cozetteleahy BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
cozetteleahy BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once I tried to do something good for myself and try to improve my mental health but it took a turn for the worst.I decided that I was gonna drop my toxic friends that I would skip with and start trouble, I realized thats middle school stuff and that im in highschool and need to focus on my future even if im only a freshman. At this point when I got home I would go straight to my room and only go out to use the bathroom or to get food and bring it into my room. Plus I was in trouble with my mom all the time, we were always fighting and would always say i'm going down the wrong path and that I need to realize what i'm doing and what's going on.


  So I took my chance when me and my best friend were in an argument, I stopped talking to her. I didn't talk to her that whole weekend and when we went back to school I didn't talk to her also but it was hard because the only people I talked to at school was her and our friend group but there was a new girl that I knew in middle school so I started talking to her and we kicked it off. Just when I thought things were going good I was wrong. That toxicness I was tryna leave came right back and 10x worse and that's when all the drama started. I was failing classes and had tons of missing assignments because I was getting pulled out of class all the time.  


Then my safety came into all of it. I was getting threatened that I would get jumped and more so I would talk to counselors and she didn't do much except get us all to talk which didn't do anything. Now at this point i was so confused mentally i didn't know what i would or could do anymore, I wanted to just go back to my old self who was getting good grades who was just happy and didn't worry about nothing. I became depressed. I would go to school, do nothing but mess around,fight, and go back and forth from the office. Then I would go home, argue with my mom then slam my door and go to sleep. I didn't have anything going for me.


Finally my mom said whatever your moving schools and no if, and, or buts about it. I was so mad because I just went through all of that drama for new friends and now she wanted to move me. But now looking back I think it was a good thing because who knows what I would be doing right now if my mom didn't make that choice. I would probably be failing all classes and have to do summer school for the rest of highschool and who knows if i’d even graduate. No matter how much stuff happened i'm glad that I decided to put myself first and drop the toxicness in the long run.

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