2021 Kindness Contest | Teen Ink

2021 Kindness Contest

November 19, 2021
By 3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One hot, sunny summer day my mom and I went to the grocery store. We were out of food and necessities at our house. After my mom has been working for a week she got her paycheck. We got laundry detergent, milk, eggs, snacks, and water.  Walking around the store we make sure we have enough for everything. Adding up and we think we do but something was in the wrong spot or something. We go to the checkout line and the lady is scanning everything and she says the total is 105.89 and my mom forgot her card and she just brought cash but we were short 5 dollars. I went to go put a bag of Doritos back because I didn't really need them that much and because I can get them another day but as I'm going to do that an angel in disguise, the guy behind us waiting for us to check out says “how much do you need” and my mom says “5 dollars” and he hands my mom a 5 dollar bill and we both say “thank you so much”. Even though it wasn't a lot it meant a lot to us because he didn't have to do that but he chose to. I will never forget that day.

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on true story

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