Sunshine | Teen Ink


May 10, 2021
By tenley10 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
tenley10 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever sat and thought about how interesting our Sun is. The Sun has so many cool facts and features that come with it. Like did you know over one million stars could fit inside the Sun? Or did you know the Sun is almost a perfect sphere? The Sun is a perfect ball like those big, shiny, rubber, bouncy balls you can get from almost any store, like the ones you use to play kickball within the front yard. The sun has so many scientific benefits, but it also has so many benefits that are special to me. 

Like the color yellow. Yes, I know scientifically the sun is a fiery ball of orange, blue, and white, but a simplified version of the Sun is a nice, pretty, bright yellow. The color yellow is my favorite color. It brings so many happy feelings. The color yellow reminds me of summer, fun, and happiness. Yellow is correlated with optimism, enlightenment, and creativity. The color yellow is known for capturing the human eye more than any other color. It’s the most luminous color on the spectrum. Yellow brings happiness and that wouldn’t be the case if it wasn’t for the Sun.  

The Sun’s surface temperature is a bubbling 5,778K. I’m not even sure what that temperature is comparable to but to sum it up, the Sun brings warmth. I absolutely love being warm. Warm weather is the best thing ever and it’s not debatable. Summertime is my favorite season because of the warm weather. During the summer, everyone’s moods seem to boost and no one has a worry in the world. There’s no school work to concern and stress about and the vibes are just amazing. We wouldn’t have warm weather if it wasn’t for the Sun.

Enjoying our beautiful Sun brings along a tan. Nothing on this planet makes me more elated than a good tan. Over the summer tanning with friends is my favorite thing to do. Being tan boosts my confidence and I feel so much better with myself. That sunkissed, golden, deep brown color that results from being in the Sun is amazing. 

The Sun provides us with so many different perks. It’s incredible to sit back and realize how crazy the natural Sun is.

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