Yearly Sticker | Teen Ink

Yearly Sticker

October 28, 2019
By 1farley SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
1farley SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a teen, voting is a responsibility that I envy from my parents, the concept as a whole mesmerizes me as a student and I wanted to fully be apart of it. The memories of that one day each year still remain with me to this day. My family and I commute out to the local library on these days and  I will patiently wait outside of the ballet box for my parents to finish. The mass amount of people gathering for a single reason was a concept that I inspire to live up to when I am old enough.

 After each trip with my parents, they give me a circular  sticker than meant so much more than just plastic. The circular sticker means feelings like happiness, sadness, hard work, and freedom which are all concepts that apply to me when I think about our country. The phrase “I voted” plastered across it symbolizes so much more than just voting for a candidate every year, it truly shows that you deeply care about our country and who is going to carry on the American legacy of greatness. 

Voting is much more important than many people understand, personally I comprehend the fact that with each president means knew and impactful policies that have the importance to impact me and others in this country significantly. Everyone including me has a responsibility to vote and should be acted upon each and every year. Voting is a tradition that has been carried out in my family for countless generations and will continue through me as a symbol of patriotism and passion for our country's greatness as a whole.

The author's comments:

I wrote this peice in my English class and was inspired by the patriotism behind voting every year and the meaning it has in society and to me personally. I wrote about how voting has had an impact on me over my lifetime and how I think about the concept.

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