Time Block Four | Teen Ink

Time Block Four

February 26, 2019
By Jessie21 BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
Jessie21 BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i know you're scared of the unknown/ you don't wanna be alone/ i know i always come and go/ but it's out of my control/ and you'll be left in the dust/ unless i stuck by ya/ you're the sunflower/ i think your love would be too much
-from "Sunflower" by Post Malone and Swae Lee

Valley Forge, 1777 to 1778. The camp where the American army was remade—at least what was left of it. Loss upon loss had led them here, to a camp not even big enough to be called a village, where they would spend almost half a year. Positioned about 18 miles northwest of British-occupied Philadelphia, George Washington was confident that Valley Forge would be great for his men to camp during the harsh winter, what with the promise of food from Quaker farms in the area. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. All there was was endless suffering...

The urge to sleep can easily take over one’s head. For example, right now I’m supposed to be writing a social studies DBQ, but here I am writing about something as trivial as tiredness. But it’s true. I feel like I’m going more than a little insane right now. It’s just something that happens—naturally. I can’t explain it. I guess it’s that feeling when you know that you’re doing something you shouldn’t but you don’t stop, or that feeling when you know that you are ignoring something that you really should be doing—but you ignore the urge to actually go do it. At the same time. Yeah, it’s annoying, isn’t it? I’d give anything to skip fourth period right now. And fifth. And seventh. And maybe even eighth a little, even though I don’t have much against band. I honestly want to curl up and sleep, or curl up with a good book, or curl up with my headphones and some good music, or maybe just sleep again. Because I just can’t concentrate. So many things are on my mind right now that I can’t possibly focus on a social studies essay about something that happened two hundred years ago! I’m more worried about what is happening now. For the record, the only reason I’m writing this is so it can appear that I’m actually doing work, when I’m just writing nonsense. This happens way too often to be considered normal, by the way.

So I’m just going to sit here and pretend that I’m being focused and productive, when really my mind is doing a mile a minute and I’m secretly counting the seconds until the bell rings.

The author's comments:

I actually did write this during fourth period when I couldn't write anything about Valley Forge. So it might sound a bit weird, since I didn't really put too much thought into it. I just wrote it to seem like I was doing work, when really I'm staying up tonight to finish the actual DBQ. So... yeah.

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