voices of lbhs | Teen Ink

voices of lbhs

February 25, 2019
By Team_hotpocketz BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Team_hotpocketz BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit and worry about how my cousin is going to survive without her. My cousin and his wife had a wonderful life paying all the bills, spending time together, taking each other out to eat and having lots of fun. We all thought it would last but then his wife all of a sudden couldn't go any longer, she had fought for very long but she just couldn't anymore. She ended up dying of cancer too soon.Everyone was truly devastated. After that we all wondered how was he going to pay the bills without her half ? We all then pitched in and helped so he didn't have to stress, and that helped him alot. But then he started stressing too much so he started to drink. Drinking took him to a bad place and made him do something that he regret right after it happen. So now we have to keep supporting him and hoping he does good, and not stress too much. Hopefully we can get thru this and make everything good.

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