Best qualities for a Teacher to Have | Teen Ink

Best qualities for a Teacher to Have

January 22, 2019
By MSH514 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
MSH514 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Teaching is balancing a sharpened pencil on a razor blade between being a fun teacher and being strict. If I am too “fun” of a teacher the students probably won’t listen as much. On the other hand, if I am super strict the kids will want to seem like they are listening so they don’t get in trouble, but they probably won’t be paying the same amount of attention. That is why I believe that the three best characteristics for a teacher to have are a kinesthetic learning style, a young “personality,” and a sense of humor.

A kinesthetic learning style is the most important thing for me as it helps me learn as well as helping most others. Kinesthetics are statistically better than visual or auditory learning style. It helps people remember things because they learn something by doing something. So then, when they think about the stuff they did, they will think about what they learned. It is also more fun and more engaging as it makes people actually do stuff and most people find it fun. Even looking in a microscope can be considered kinesthetic. That learning style is good, and that would help a group of people.

A teacher that is young or has a young personality can be a better teacher as they would know how to make the class more engaging for kids around my age. If they grew up in the 80s or 90s they would know what kids like and how they feel about the class they teach. If they are a science teacher they could set up an experiment that would appeal to the age group they are teaching. A math teacher could set up a project involving math that has something to do with what their age group likes to learn about. A younger teacher might also want to be there because everyone knows that people don’t become teachers for the salaries. The two items above are the most important, but having a sense of humor can be a bit of a bonus.

A good sense of humor can change the class entirely. At the talent show, Mr. Jones made puns that I knew the answers to and that really started to get me engaged in the show that was going on. Then he started doing it in class and I started paying more attention because of puns, just puns. It makes class fun and also makes a class more memorable. Science is one of my favourite classes because it can be fun, funny, and engaging all at the same time with little to no effort. Making jokes in class can lighten the mood from dreary and bored to engaged and paying attention. A good sense of humor is just a bit of a bonus, but it would make the class more fun.

Those are the characteristics I think that would make the class better. Kinesthetic learning style makes the class memorable. A young personality can make the class more engaging. A good sense of humor makes the class engaging, memorable, and makes me look forward to it. That is what I believe is the perfect balance for a great school experience and a better learning experience.

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