Mazatlan, Mexico | Teen Ink

Mazatlan, Mexico

October 29, 2018
By anon7 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
anon7 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m seven years old getting out of my house, my hometown radiates happiness and is full of energy. I’ve never seen Mazatlan, Mexico this live. I’m taking my dog out for a walk. The fresh wind coming from the shores of Los Pinitos beaches swooshes across my body as the shiny, bright sun hits me. As I make my way to the beach, I see people waving at me, strolling with their families and street workers, sweating to make money to feed their families on a daily basis.

Making my way to the beach I smell the beautiful, sweet beach with a particular taste of shrimp. On the sidewalk, before the beach, there’s restaurants that emit the smell of fried fish and sweet BBQ shrimp the restaurants cook.

As I get to the beach I sit under a palm tree and unleash my dog so he can run and play with the waves that hit the shore. Bob, my dog, loves playing with the waves. It’s like seeing a little kid run around. The sun makes the beach glow. Waves hit the shore. The waves, just like the sun in the sky, both have no end.

What I’m witnessing, these wonders of nature, make me feel pure and good. They’re relaxing me, the water is making me feel like I’m part of the ocean, waves asking me if I want to join.

My dog looks at me like he wants me to come to play, in a childish way one cannot resist. When I stand up I realize the sand in between my toes and went sand over my butt.

As I get into the cold water it evens out with the humid summer night making me feel relaxed and one with the environment. I feel seashells on my feet and seaweed strapped around my left leg, making me feel uncomfortable.

I call my dog over so we can get out and dry. I brought two towels and I’m using one of them to sit so sand doesn’t stick to my shorts again and the other to actually dry, while we’re drying off, me and bob realize that something prodigious and brilliant is happening right in front of our eyes, a sunset is occurring, different colors but mostly red and orange, the sky is a volcano erupting, it looks beautiful, I’m thinking that’ the most magnificent thing the earth has created, looks like Van Gogh painting in the sky. The vivid different shades of orange and purple overflow the sky, I’m feeling like I’m the owner of this sunset like I’m the only one watching and witnessing it, I look at Bob and I tell him, this is our beach and our sunset.

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