Food Recipe | Teen Ink

Food Recipe

October 2, 2018
By Soccerfan993 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Soccerfan993 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The day turned to night, quiet after a day full of presents and family. Silent in the short car ride to my aunts house. My knees were knocking from the nerves in the overwhelming numbers of people already arriving. I felt watched in every step I took towards the door.

As I step into the doorway it felt like a brick wall hitting my face. This intoxicating smell like nothing I’ve ever had pass through my nose. Immediately swept off my feet towards this food. “What is this?” I asked.

“Kibbeh...has you mother not given you any?” My aunt asked. I hesitated but I wasn’t about to walk away.

“No…but aunt Thawea can I try some? I questioned so swiftly not to promote any disgust in my inexperienced palate.

She gave me this huge piece of what looked to be a meat bar and I tried this mysterious food for the first time. My eyes widened and I just stood there in awe of what I have just shoved into my mouth. From that moment on I became hooked on this middle eastern cuisine that I have never seen before.

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