The Thing on My Bookbag | Teen Ink

The Thing on My Bookbag

October 10, 2017
By meghango BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
meghango BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When a six year old gets jealous, she will get upset and demand what she wants. Around the time of my sixth birthday, we were going on a family vacation to the Outer Banks. We stopped at a big rest stop an hour from home with breakfast joints, so we could get food and make a bathroom break. Once we all were there, I noticed that my cousins had sunglasses and I did not.


Once I realized my cousins had sunglasses, I wasn’t happy. My dad and I looked around the place for a little store. We came across a souvenir shop to look for a pair of sunglasses for me. There were no sunglasses so I looked around some more and found a keychain rack. I found my name actually spelled correctly, so my dad bought it for me to make me feel better. Since then, I have carried around this keychain since then, as it has had some weird sentimental value to me. There’s no way my cousins can feel this way now since I doubt their old sunglasses fit them anymore.


I was very happy by the time I was able to make my cousins jealous with my new keychain. I don’t remember many details, but I knew they thought it was cool. I felt cooler carrying on to it all throughout elementary school. I’ve still always had it on my bag since then, but I felt great as a young kid, as weird as it sounds.


This rest stop was around an hour away from home into Ohio. It was not a normal rest, stop. It was huge! It had breakfast places, like Burger King, Hardees, etc. There was also some little shop there were I found my keychain at, a game area, and I can’t remember much else. Obviously, there was bathrooms and vending machines. It was located right off the highway, so you could see it easily and make a pit stop for food and bathrooms.


My dad is someone who helped me look around for sunglasses, and led me to finding the keychain. This day, I can’t remember what he was wearing, but I knew he had his glasses on. My dad was probably a little annoyed at my jealousy towards not having sunglasses. By the end, I could see him smile as I was happy with my new keychain.

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