Sticky Situation | Teen Ink

Sticky Situation

March 3, 2017
By rcyrek BRONZE, Lawtons, New York
rcyrek BRONZE, Lawtons, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The wind was blowing through our hair as we whipped through the woods. My sister and I drove that little red Honda everywhere, constantly fighting about who’s turn it was to drive. We would often get in fights in the middle of driving and my sister would always press on the breaks when she believed it was her turn to drive, sending me jerking forward. It was early in the summer and we had been riding for hours. Surprisingly we didn’t fight about who got to drive at all that day, we just kept cruising around without a care in the world. When we got closer to the house we could here mom yelling that it was time to come in for lunch. Not ready to come in yet, we took one more lap around the yard. When she finally chased us down we were forced to come in. At this point I was driving and for whatever reason I wanted to park as close to the house as I could. I pulled onto the driveway and made my way to the front door. My dad’s truck was parked on one side of the driveway with my mom’s truck directly parallel to it. My plan was to drive through the middle of them and park right by the front door. I approached the gap slowly and my sister sat on the back nagging at me, saying that we weren’t going to fit. I ignored her trying to stay focused and began to go through the trucks slowly. At first it seemed that we were going to make it, then I heard the scraping and after moving another foot we were stuck, wedged between the two trucks. My dad, who had been outside working at the time, came running around the truck to see what happened. When he asked what I was thinking the only thing I could say was, “I thought we could fit.” Luckily neither the trucks or the four wheeler had any damage, but I wasn’t allowed to drive for a long time after that.

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