The Faceplant | Teen Ink

The Faceplant

October 26, 2016
By Anonymous

It was that moment, in midair, that I realised that I was not going to make the extensive jump from my boat to the St. Petersburg boat and it was very asinine of me to even think about having a chance to make it to that boat……

Oh, sorry you did not hear the beginning this amazing story, well let me tell you about what happened. We had flown out of Moscow to a southwest  region of Russia called Altai in Siberia for a week of fun with my grade’s discovery week. Discovery Week is when we travel to a different city, country or continent and discover new things about that place and ourselves for a week.

Today I discovered It was a cold, rainy day in Altai and I was going on a rafting adventure with the rest of group B. Everyone was preparing for what was going to happen throughout the Rafting trip. Rafting in an appealing blue river and beautiful scenery surrounding the river; it was like a dream come true. It was a once in a lifetime event to do which I will treasure in my memories for a long time like my first time riding my bike. 

We split into six different boats, splitting my friends as well making, which the competition meter an inch higher. My boat was prepared for the fun of; pushing off others, falling into freezing cold water and shivering for the rest of your Merrily day. Our group had made a plethora of memories, made throughout this rafting trip though this was the most memorable thing that happened that day. Most of the competition was between two boats, the treinenators(our boats team name) and the St. Petersburg boat.

Ok, back to what I was talking about, I leapt from the my boat, it felt like the jump was in slow motion. I could see what was happening all around me including people falling in and splashing each other, but mostly people were watching me trying to make the jump. Everything was quiet, but the rushing waves hitting the boats. While I was in midair I could feel the agony rushing through me and I could already hear a roar laughter from my boat, the St. Petersburg boat and even the instructors were beginning to laugh at me.

When I finally struck the boat, I smashed my face into the side of the boat. It was like I was diving for a one handed football catch in midair, but I completely missed the ball and I got crushed by a defender instead. Fire erupted throughout my face, leaving flaming red mark on the side of my face like a slap. I was barely hanging on the boat with one hand holding on with its life with people from the St. Petersburg boat trying to push me off. I knew I could not hold on forever so my hand released the rope from my grasp.

When I let go of the rope, I slowly slid into the water feeling the icy cold slowly work up my body, while getting struck by a freezing chill going all over my body with the fairly-cold rain drizzling from the sky making the chill even colder than it already was. I was like a cat in water. I was abismal. The icy chill kept on getting colder like being inside an ice-cube but it was worth it. Finally my body had gone all numb from the freezing water and the icy chill, which made the chill disappear from my body. I looked around seeing people laughing at me for missing the long-lasting jump from my boat. I realized that what I had just done was very funny as well, so I chuckled a little bit.

People started to shout at me because we were going into rough water, and you're not allowed to be in the water at that time, but I just froze for a few seconds. I did not know what to do next and looked around for help. The St. Petersburg boat offered me to join their boat, but I refused to join them after what had just happened. I swam back to my boat, got pulled back on and carried on with the rafting trip along with my crewmates for the rest of the beautiful scenic journey and decent weather with lots of more fun to come.

Although it was not a very sunny nor a nice warm day, it was still very fun learning experience which I learnt the hard way, that in conclusion you should think before you act, not with emotion but with reality.

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