Basement Football | Teen Ink

Basement Football

October 18, 2016
By Anonymous

It was a while back still to this day whenever I see that black circular chair I get that memory about my left hand. It was my young but bigger cousin keep in my mind he was about 40 pounds bigger than me and today he’s more than that to me. It was also my older brother down there I still look up to him to this day and he was laying the game with my 6’2’ cousin veno he’s very wise and cool. The basement smelled like sweat,must, because we’ve been playing all day so of course it was fun down there. The basement was also pretty warm. The basement was always loud and it was loud that night.

I was in about the 4th grade and my younger cousin was in like the 1st grade. I was like 7 years ago me and my younger cousin was playing tackle football in my basement. We were playing basement football and the touchdown was from wall to wall and keep in mind there was people in the basement with us playing the game. So i was scoring from left to right and then i started getting tired  And he was and still alot bigger than I am and when he tackled me the black chair was broke and something was hanging off of it and I floated into the black chair. I was balled up by the the circular black chair balling my eyes out and I remember everyone down stairs were trying to get me to be quite.

I dashed up every stair  like i were running the 40 yard dash but only thing  was crying and screaming. And I probably wouldn’t have been crying if I didn’t see blood I probably would’ve just been hurt so a long time but as a kid once you see blood you just feel like you have to cry. In my head I thought i was killed, I thought I was a dead man running. I sprinted up stairs and when I got up stairs first person I seen was my mom and she so shocked.

Everyone else were looking at me also and then my dad yelled out, “we not going to no hospital!” and once he said that I just felt like I was going to die even more. I also knew I wasn’t going to the hospital, I knew that was out the window of going to the hospital. So then they got something for my hand I don’t know what it was but I still remember the burning stuff on my left in my mind I was thinking it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. After my mom got done pouring that burning stuff on me, she carefully wrapped my hand up with light brown athletic tape. And I wore that athletic tape for about 2 or 3 days but after she wrapped me up I went downstairs to let everyone know I was okay and everything and my little big cousin was hiding because he felt like was going to get in trouble  but I told him everything was fine. Even though I told my cousin everything was fine, i wanted to smack fire from his mouth but i eventually got over it.

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